Fractal Innovation
ABOUT THE BOOK Fractals are mathematical objects that are present in nature. Halfway between art and science, they describe complexity in a simple way, with underlying patterns that are reproduced at different levels. Successful innovation should be simple, which is not always uncomplicated. What if, like with fractals, there are underlying structures at different levels? This is the book's theory. To this end, the author argues that to innovate is about putting faith in people; that entrepreneurship is a contact sport; and innovative entrepreneurship is a journey, just like life. The book is an original reflection on a complex phenomenon, based on the belief that those who understand the dynamics of change that drive innovation and entrepreneurship will be in a better position to understand the world a little bit better. ABOUT THE AUTHOR PhD Telecommunications Engineer, with studies in Strategic Management, Network Economics, International Relations and Innovation Management, José Manuel is considered an international expert in policies and strategies in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship. His career began in the space sector in Spain, Finland, France and Japan, joining the Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) in 1992 where he was International Director between 2004 and 2010 and Chairman of the Ariane Launcher Programme Board at the European Space Agency (ESA). He was appointed Director of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) in 2011 and CEO of in 2016. Since early 2023 he is Director General of the Ricardo Valle Foundation. "Jose Manuel makes a beautiful reflection on Fractals and innovation. We should learn from this great book that I highly recommend" - Martin Schuurmans, founding Chairman of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. "Leceta connects the different kinds of leadership in Mindset, Firms and Ecosystems that we need in any entrepreneurial organisation" - Jerome Engels, Adjunct Professor Emeritus, Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley.