Nomos, Kosmos & Dike in Plutarch
In September 2002, the University of Coimbra hosted, for the first time, a conference of the Réseau Thématique Plutarque, a research network created by several European universities in order to promote regular annual meetings of junior and senior scholars who share a common interest in Plutarch's work. The Coimbra meeting of 2002 was devoted to the fragments of Plutarch, and the results of that event were published one year later, in a volume edited by José Ribeiro Ferreira and Delfim Leão, under the title Os fragmentos de Plutarco e a recepção da sua obra (Coimbra, 2003). During the following years, many other universities organized conferences of the Réseau on a rotating basis, until the event came back to Coimbra, where the Portuguese section of the International Plutarch Society (SoPlutarco) hosted, from 16 to 18 June 2011, the twelfth meeting of the network, devoted this time to the subject "Nomos, kosmos and dike in Plutarch". The present volume comprises most of the contributions presented during the Coimbra meeting, after having been submitted to a process of revision, which involved the direct collaboration of the several regional sections of the Réseau. Although the volume kept the multilingual diversity of the participants in the conference, its structuring elements were composed in English, in order to reinforce the coherence of the book and to enlarge the number of potential readers.