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Apple Pie and Enchiladas
Apple Pie and Enchiladas
The sudden influx of significant numbers of Latinos to the rural Midwest stems from the recruitment of workers by food processing plants and small factories springing up in rural areas. Mostly they work at back-breaking jobs that local residents are not willing to take because of the low wages and few benefits. The region has become the scene of dramatic change involving major issues facing our country—the intertwining of ethnic differences, prejudice, and poverty; the social impact of a low-wage workforce resulting from corporate transformations; and public policy questions dealing with economic development, taxation, and welfare payments. In this thorough multidisciplinary study, the authors explore both sides of this ethnic divide and provide the first volume to focus comprehensively on Latinos in the region by linking demographic and qualitative analysis to describe what brings Latinos to the area and how they are being accommodated in their new communities. The fact is that many Midwestern communities would be losing population and facing a dearth of workers if not for Latino newcomers. This finding adds another layer of social and economic complexity to the region's changing place in the global economy. The authors look at how Latinos fit into an already fractured social landscape with tensions among townspeople, farmers, and others. The authors also reveal the optimism that lies in the opposition of many Anglos to ethnic prejudice and racism.
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Return to Aztlan
Return to Aztlan
Return to Aztlan analyzes the social process of international migration through an intensive study of four carefully chosen Mexican communities. The book combines historical, anthropological, and survey data to construct a vivid and comprehensive picture of the social dynamics of contemporary Mexican migration to the United States.
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En busca del fulcro cardíaco
En busca del fulcro cardíaco
La pregunta inevitable de la investigación surgió porque los segmentos musculares que conforman las cavidades ventriculares debían contar con un punto de apoyo para poder torsionarse, al igual que un músculo esquelético lo hace en una inserción firme, ¿había entonces un punto de apoyo en el corazón? Si existía, ¿cómo se insertaba el miocardio en dicha estructura? ¿Es posible que el corazón (un músculo continuo plegado en helicoide) se considere desde siempre péndulo en el mediastino, vertical, sin ataduras, cuando todo músculo se halla inserto en algún sitio para cumplir su papel con la fuerza necesaria? Esta situación anatómica sin duda obliga al corazón, del tamaño equivalente a un puño humano, a tener un punto de apoyo para poder cumplir con una función de bomba que impulsa un volumen de 4 a 6 litros/minuto a una velocidad de 200 cm/s contra la ley de gravedad; tener un consumo de solo 10 vatios, y que le permita trabajar en continuidad durante 80 años sin mantenimiento en una tarea ni siquiera alcanzada por máquinas construidas por el hombre. Era evidente que necesitaba de un soporte y esta era la pregunta que esperaba ser indagada.
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Management of Hydrological Systems
Management of Hydrological Systems
The contingent valuation of water is one of the key components when wanting to implement proposals for integrated water management in mountain basins. Management of Hydrological Systems (MHS), is one of the great challenges that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) currently demand. Mainly in mountain basins with fragile ecosystems that face strong pressures such as poverty, urban and population growth, low water supply and sanitation, and climate change. Management of Hydrological Systems aims for sustainable water management, through contingent water valuation, showing the reader in a didactic way the procedure to follow in mountain basins. This book offers a complete characterization of the main problems affecting this type of basin, as well as the detailed procedure of the contingent valuation of water, which directly involves users. As such, this work is offered in relation to this urgent need for practical guidance demanded by society (SDGs), and is based on practical and real examples, rather than theoretical constructions, from places where these issues have not been widely addressed. The text is recommended as a way forward, not only for water resource managers and decision- and policymakers but also for students and teachers who wish to implement this MHS guide.
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Neutrosophic and Plithogenic Statistical Analysis in Educational Development
Neutrosophic and Plithogenic Statistical Analysis in Educational Development
Education in the history of humanity briefly establishes the general characteristics of education over time. Throughout life, the student goes through more than 18 years in the classrooms, because education has rigorously changed throughout history, as a result of the evolution of some universities during the processes carried out until changing categories and an improvement in the evaluated indicators. On the other hand, governments and leading entities of education speak of the application of standards of educational quality, the efficiency of the educational system, and sustainability of financing and quality of spending to ensure that students develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes in specific situations, in different contexts for solving problems and interacting with the main dimensions, with their factors or sub-dimensions, limitations or critical nodes and challenges of education. This study analyzes the effects that affect educational development through the neutrosophic statistical study with the application of plithogenic sets.
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The United States and Mexico
The United States and Mexico
By sharing one of the longest land borders in the world, the United States and Mexico will always have a special relationship. In the early twenty-first century, they are as important to one another as ever before with a vital trade partnership and often-tense migration positions. The ideal introduction to U.S.-Mexican relations, this book moves from conflicts all through the nineteenth century up to contemporary democratic elections in Mexico. Domínguez and Fernández de Castro deftly trace the path of the relationship between these North American neighbors from bloody conflicts to (wary) partnership. By covering immigration, drug trafficking, NAFTA, democracy, environmental problems, and economic instability, the second edition of The United States and Mexico provides a thorough look back and an informed vision of the future.
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Ex Mex
Ex Mex
From the massive nationwide rally in support of immigrant rights in May 2006 to protests against the increasingly frequent immigration raids across the country, the public debate on immigration reform has largely centered on Mexican immigrants. Yet, in the United States, we rarely hear the Mexican perspective on the issue. In “portraits that defy American stereotypes of who is a Mexican immigrant” (Booklist ), former Mexican foreign minister and eminent scholar Jorge G. Castañeda describes just who makes up the newest generation of immigrants from Mexico, why they have chosen to live in the United States, where they work, and what they ultimately hope to achieve. Drawing on his wide-ranging experience, Casteñeda examines the century-long historical background behind the labor exchange between Mexico and the United States, while offering an insider's account of the official conversations and secret negotiations between the two countries in recent years. Both authoritative and timely, Ex Mex is essential reading for all who want to make sense of the complex issue of immigration.
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The Road to the Land of the Mother of God
The Road to the Land of the Mother of God
Through more than five hundred years of the history of Peru’s Interoceanic Highway, this book shows how the purposes, portrayals, and importance of roads change between historical periods, and thus why roads bring many more impacts and costs than their advocates and critics generally anticipate.
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Mexico and the Law of the Sea
Mexico and the Law of the Sea
Mexico and the Law of the Sea: Contributions and Compromises examines Mexico’s legal work at the Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea. The volume focuses on Mexico's involvement at the regional Latin American meetings of Montevideo, Lima and Santo Domingo, in addition to its current domestic legislation—the Federal Oceans Act of 1986, in particular. Readers will find an analysis of the legal regime Mexico applies to marine scientific research by foreign vessels, and the constitutional problems caused by the lack of a clear allocation of jurisdiction over islands. Mexico and the Law of the Sea: Contributions and Compromises emphasizes the maritime delimitation treaties Mexico entered into with the United States, Cuba, Honduras, Guatemala and Belize, and also includes an extensive Latin American bibliography on the law of the sea.
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