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Beyond Commodities
Beyond Commodities
Beyond Commodities shows that Latin America and the Caribbean’s growth performance over the last decade cannot be reduced to the commodity boom: growth-promoting reforms that strengthened financial development, increased trade openness and improved infrastructure development also played a significant role and can continue doing so. Based on the econometric analysis of panel data from the 1970-2010 period for 126 countries, the study shows that, while the commodity boom facilitated growth in most of the region, it did not determine it. Domestic pro-growth policies and the maintenance of a sound macro-fiscal framework played a central role in explaining the region’s good performance during last decade. It also shows that new growth “stars” such as Panama, Peru, Colombia and the Dominican Republic emerged during this period. In addition, a benchmarking exercise reveals which policy gaps will lead to the highest potential growth-payoffs for each country and helps identify potential trade-offs. Finally, with the worsening of external conditions, the authors conclude that the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean have no choice but to turn their attention to domestic drivers to keep growth going, as the structural reforms agenda remains unfinished.
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The present publication is brought about by the joined researchers efforts to share common concerns and scientific analysis to the global current pandemic Covid-19, which discussions were held abridged during the International Online Congress “Critical Dialogues on Pandemic Perspectives: Global Justice, Rule of Law and Human Rights” comprising professional and theoretical reflections and synergy to promote international academic and scientific exchanging cooperation on the current global pandemic context on reflecting, thinking and scrutinizing government’s, public policies and decision-making process and innovation in the fighting against direct and collateral damages caused by the Covid- 19’s social and institutional impacts, considering transnational implications to the political, economic and the rule of law systems from a Global Justice approach and, locally to human rights’ protection. The Sustainable Development Goals achievements cannot ignore the technological challenges of The Industrial Revolution 4.0, the precariousness of labor relations, the growing of an economic inequality, and a return to extremist nationalism. Yet, the pandemic context, after two years, forces us to think about the ascendancy of intramural violence, since social distance ends up challenging everyone, however, with outstanding, material, and dissimilar conditions since it tends to the social elimination of the socially vulnerable. Despite the needed corporate and public adopted strategies, disenfranchisement and excessive administrative measures have been settled, reframing, and mitigating international relations pulling geopolitical, economic, and technological strings in the multipolar world. For those finding facts, we are invited to discuss the new challenges and outcomes from a pandemic perspective to the Global Justice, Rule of Law, and Human Rights questioning if and how human rights can be ensured and mainstreamed in the taken prevention and recovery measures in democratic societies. The International Congress was organized to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Research Group Culture, Law and Society ((DGP CNPQ UFMA), and was upheld by The Graduate Law Program of the Universidade Federal do Maranhão (PPGDIR/UFMA), together with the Graduate Law Program of the Faculdade de Direito de Vitória (PPGD/FDV), the Chinese Study Center of the Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales of the Universidad Nacional de la Plata, and the Institute for International Legal Studies of the National Research Council of Italy, by each representative, we are pleased to WELCOME you to the Critical Dialogues on Pandemic Perspectives, discussing Human Rights, Democracy and Pandemic Perspectives. ISBN 978-65-00-40218-6
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Ecological Niches and Geographic Distributions
Ecological Niches and Geographic Distributions
This book provides a first synthetic view of an emerging area of ecology and biogeography, linking individual- and population-level processes to geographic distributions and biodiversity patterns. Problems in evolutionary ecology, macroecology, and biogeography are illuminated by this integrative view. The book focuses on correlative approaches known as ecological niche modeling, species distribution modeling, or habitat suitability modeling, which use associations between known occurrences of species and environmental variables to identify environmental conditions under which populations can be maintained. The spatial distribution of environments suitable for the species can then be estimated: a potential distribution for the species. This approach has broad applicability to ecology, evolution, biogeography, and conservation biology, as well as to understanding the geographic potential of invasive species and infectious diseases, and the biological implications of climate change. The authors lay out conceptual foundations and general principles for understanding and interpreting species distributions with respect to geography and environment. Focus is on development of niche models. While serving as a guide for students and researchers, the book also provides a theoretical framework to support future progress in the field.
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Cinco balas contra a América
Cinco balas contra a América
Cabo Verde, 1974. Em meio aos ecos da Revolução dos Cravos, quatro garotos recebem uma "grandiosa" missão: vigiar uma praia deserta e deter uma eventual invasão ianque com apenas uma pistola e cinco balas. O faz de conta da guerra, porém, torna-se um verdadeiro e emocionante rito de passagem para a maturidade. Novo livro da premiada dupla Jorge Araújo (texto) e Pedro Sousa Pereira (desenhos).aolp
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Latin America and the Caribbean Economic Review, April 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean Economic Review, April 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has made slow but consistent progress addressing the imbalances induced by the pandemic in an international environment that is just now showing signs of stabilizing. Despite favorable macroeconomic management, high interest rates and fiscal imbalances remain challenging while growth rates remain lackluster due to long-standing structural issues. Looking forward, an aging workforce and rising violence will increasingly complicate policy. This report focuses particularly on weak competitive forces as a source of low productivity, low growth, and low welfare in LAC. It emphasizes the need for effective competition institutions, pro-competition regulatory frameworks, complementary policies to improve the capabilities of workers and firms, and enhanced innovation systems, to prepare local industries to reach the technological frontier and face global competition. Furthermore, the report underscores the need for reforms to prevent large businesses from exerting undue political influence over policy decisions.
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Productivity Growth in Latin American and the Caribbean
This paper brings together the main findings and policy implications of two recent World Bank regional reports on economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean: Araujo, Vostroknutova, Wacker and Clavijo, eds. (2016) and Araujo, Vostroknutova, Brueckner, Clavijo, and Wacker (2016). In doing so, the paper focuses on finding the right balance between micro- and macro-inference when thinking about growth in Latin America and the Caribbean. The paper documents the region's growth performance over the past decade, highlighting the roles played by the commodity boom, macroeconomic stabilization and structural reforms. It notes that, despite faster growth during the first decade of this century, the region failed to achieve sustained convergence towards higher income levels. The paper points out that the persistent income gap could be reduced through: (i) increasing focus on closing the efficiency gap - beyond mere factor accumulation; (ii) eliminating distortions that cause misallocation of resources will also improve the incentives to innovate; (iii) identifying the main country-specific constraints to growth instead of looking for universal recipes; (iv) containing macroeconomic volatility, thereby alleviating the negative impact of persistent poverty on growth; and (v) improving the composition of public spending.
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Advances in Conservation Agriculture Volume 3
Advances in Conservation Agriculture Volume 3
Summarises current research on the adoption of Conservation Agriculture (CA) principles in different regions around the world Highlights the emergence of CA as a key alternative to tillage-based agriculture Reviews the challenges of effective implementation of CA in different contexts (e.g. drier conditions, poor soil quality)
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Discrete Mathematics Days 2022
Discrete Mathematics Days 2022
El congreso Discrete Mathematics Days (DMD20/22) tendrá lugar del 4 al 6 de julio de 2022, en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Cantabria (Santander, España). Este congreso internacional se centra en avances dentro del campo de la Matemática discreta, incluyendo, de manera no exhaustiva: · Algoritmos y Complejidad · Combinatoria · Teoría de Códigos · Criptografía · Geometría Discreta y Computacional · Optimización Discreta · Teoría de Grafos · Problemas de localización discreta y temas relacionados Las ediciones anteriores de este evento se celebraros en Sevilla (2018) y Barcelona (2016), estos congresos heredan la tradición de las Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica (JMDA), el encuentro bienal en España en Matemática Discreta (desde 1998). Durante la celebración del congreso tendrán lugar cuatro conferencias plenarias, cuarenta y dos presentaciones orales y una sesión de once pósteres. Abstract The Discrete Mathematics Days (DMD20/22) will be held on July 4-6, 2022, at Facultad de Ciencias of the Universidad de Cantabria (Santander, Spain). The main focus of this international conference is on current topics in Discrete Mathematics, including (but not limited to): Algorithms and Complexity Combinatorics Coding Theory Cryptography Discrete and Computational Geometry Discrete Optimization Graph Theory Location and Related Problems The previous editions were held in Sevilla in 2018 and in Barcelona in 2016, inheriting the tradition of the Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica (JMDA), the Spanish biennial meeting (since 1998) on Discrete Mathematics. The program consists on four plenary talks, 42 contributed talks and a poster session with 11 contributions.
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Competition and Productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean
Competition is a core element of economic growth, but empirical evidence on how competition affects productivity in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region is limited. This study fills this gap with state-of-the-art empirical research, drawing on firm surveys in the formal sector and novel domestic competition enforcement datasets.
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