Brazil in Focus
Brazil is located in the east coast of the South America, by Atlantic Ocean. With its area of 8,511,965 km2, constitutes one of biggest countries of the world in territorial extension. It possesses vast natural water holds; the biggest forest of the land; and flora, fauna, air, land, minerals and waters of inestimable value for the planet. It possesses around 169 million inhabitants, distributed in 26 States and a Federal District, where it is locates Brasilia capital. Brazil has a Gross Internal Product (GIP) close to USS 800 billion, and the per capita GIP is close to USS 4,719.76. It has the biggest economy of Latin America, and well developed sectors in the area of agriculture, industry, commerce and jobs. In agriculture, it is distinguished by the coffee production, soy, rice, meat, sugar cane, citric, cocoa. Its industrial park is distinguished by the production of chemical, shoes products, cement, iron, steel, airplanes, engines and automobiles, buses, machines, implements and equipment. It exports and imports around USS 50 billion per year; it has around 50 million television sets, 40 million fixed and cellular telephones, 70 million radios. This new book presents important analyses of this dynamic country.