Terram Novam
Dear reader, the first novel of this series is titled OHIO. And, maybe you are on your computer right now, trying to decide whether or not to purchase it. Maybe you are in a bookstore and holding it in your hands; you have studied its cover, you've already read the opening lines, and you've flipped to the middle and read something there. Maybe you have read the last paragraph. Maybe you have done the same with all three novels. Dear reader, the novels are not for you, unless you possess the desire to listen with all your heart to the words you will find in them. If this desire is yours, I, Jonathan Kensett, welcome you into a world I could not have known if I had not listened with all my heart, as well, that fateful evening when I had dinner with Abby Vredenburgh in Sunbury, Ohio. That night the real journey began for me. Dear reader, I would invite you to journey with me through OHIO, and then to continue the journey through IN THE DAYS OF CORONADO and TERRAM NOVAM. After you have read the first three there are more. NOWHERE, soon to be released is the story of a ghost town in Southeast Utah, but it is much more than just a story about a ghost town. ROSE OF SHARON 1896-1974, also soon to be released, is the story of a little town in Northern Ohio established in 1866 in the novel OHIO; it is the story of the town seen through the eyes of three generations of another family, and it too is much more than a story about a small town. And, the next novel in the series, THE SIX POINTS OF THE STAR, is still a shadowy sketch inside my mind. But, it can't remain a sketch for much longer. Sometimes I wish I had never gone to Ohio to observe that Civil War Battlefield Reenactment of the Battle of Second Bull Run and to write that series of articles for Stars and Stripes Magazine. Sometimes I wish I had not met Abby Vredenburgh, may he rest in peace. Sometimes I wish I had not gone to New Mexico and found what I found on the mesa. Sometimes I look into the mirror and wish so many things could have been different. I wish I would not have to think about certain things like war and death, like pain and loss and grief, and deception and betrayal. I wish life could be free of such things. I long for redemption and freedom from suffering. I long for a world where nothing is hidden because there is no reason to hide. And, I long for the day when this story is finished but the more I write the more I understand it can never be finished until... Jonathan Kensett was born in 1952 and spent his youth traveling and living in many, many places on planet earth. At age seventeen, he lied to get into the U.S. Army, was sent to Viet Nam and served in Company D, 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, 1969-1970. After that, he went to Harvard and earned degrees in journalism and law. He has not practiced law, choosing instead to be a free-lance writer. He will always wonder if he made the right choice. Now that he is too old to change he might as well try to enjoy every day as much as possible. No one writes like him. No one.