Gloucestermas is the culmination of Jonathan Bayliss’s masterwork, GLOUCESTERMAN, a tetralogy reviewers have compared to the fiction of Sterne, Melville, Joyce, Broch, and Musil. Like Gloucesterbook and Gloucestertide, this richly detailed, playful, and expansive novel is centered on the Atlantic Coast’s seaport “Dogtown” on “Cape Gloucester.” Rafe Opsimath and Caleb Karcist are now older, with new practical, social, and intellectual preoccupations in 1980s Dogtown. Woven into the narrative are the Cape Gloucester and Isle of Man of the 1920s, Dogtown legends and municipal affairs, the fate of the schooner Gloucesterman, and a Court of Love. Expanding the network of friends, spouses, and lovers, new central characters are intertwined in the sprawling web of ideas, history, geography, responsibility, experience, conversation, and love that make GLOUCESTERMAN unique in the world of literature. Gloucestermas may be enjoyed independently or alongside the previous novels in the GLOUCESTERMAN series, headed by Prologos and including Gloucesterbook and Gloucestertide.