Wisconsin History Highlights
Wisconsin History Highlights encourages middle and high school students, including National History Day participants, to use Wisconsin topics and resources as they research American history. The book guides students on their way, drawing them in with the topics most likely to spur their curiosity and enthusiasm. Wisconsin History Highlights introduces students to essential skills for historical research, including locating primary and secondary materials, choosing and narrowing a topic, and avoiding plagiarism. The text includes nine chapters: Discovering the Past; Immigration; Agriculture; Industry; Environment; Social Issues; Government; Tourism; and Arts, Entertainment, and Sports. Each chapter has a variety of concise historical vignettes about specific events, people, or places in Wisconsin history, and within each vignette, students will find hints to get started with research on that or a related topic. The chapters contain many illustrations of sample source materials, and each closes with a detailed bibliography of available primary and secondary resources. Students will find ample guidance in many places, from the helpful introductory material, the table of contents, and the topical chapters to the thorough index, which together make Wisconsin History Highlights an essential tool for expanding students' conceptions of history and refining their research skills.