Jesus Would Demand a Green New Deal
"The Green New Deal is the best and most comprehensive way to address the environmental disasters we are facing, especially the crises spawned by global climate change. Jonathan Barker also believes it is the best way to love our neighbors--given all the people who are impacted by more intense storms, rampant fires, intolerable heat waves, rising oceans, new diseases, and more. Offered here is an impassioned plea for action at the individual, social, and legislative level from someone who is truly walking the walk by fasting for 12 days to get our attention! Rooted in the conviction that Jesus cares for the most vulnerable in the darkest of times, Reverend Barker is a pastor to Earth community by offering us a vision of what our world could be like when we love our neighbors. You better read this powerful little book. Of course Jesus would demand a Green New Deal, because it offers help for the creation and hope for humanity. So, now, what are we going to do about that?" --David Rhoads, Professor Emeritus at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. Editor, Earth and Word: Classic Sermons on Saving the Planet "It seems commonly acceptable for a political candidate to share how their faith fuels their efforts, but what about how people of faith act in response to politics? Many preachers shy away from such conversations for fear of alienating anyone. Some faith leaders decide to go beyond talking and act on the conviction that how we vote is directly related to how well we treat our neighbor. Rev. Jonathan Barker shares his continuing journey, rooted in scripture and expressed as true public witness. While his actions show the courageous works of a shepherd, his personal account offers the humble voice of a testament to what we are each capable of offering." --Phoebe Morad, Director of Lutherans Restoring Creation