Ben's Story
535 When 13-year-old Ben Caplan reaches the end of everyone's endurance he is given a choice -- expulsion, military school, or what's behind door number three. Locked and loaded, in the cab of a 70-semi truck, the plan is to go truckin' to Las Vegas. The spring break with dad had had possibilities. But now, with truck driving dad, and the command appearance of union kingpin Gramps, the possibilities have been expanded -- the wackiest intervention in the annals of psychotherapy. With a whole lot of time, and road, they have got to get it figured out or it's bye bye Ben. With only one safety valve -- a cell phone with his favorite teacher's number -- just in case the whole plan blows up, the future looks grim. Ben Caplan is four when his grandma dies, 13, when his mom passes. Other kids deal. But do other kids have short fused Russell Caplan, long haul trucker, and Deke Caplan, non-stop storyteller, and union big shot, at each other's throat -- when Ben needs them the most. These are the guys in need of a head adjustment so who gets sent to group -- with Mr. Shryke, AKA, the Shrikazoid, and a bunch of real losers. Good luck on that one. Blood continues to flow in the halls. Incredible as it might seem, the plan begins to work. Storytelling, the Caplan birthright begins it's connective magic. New meaning is given to an oral history project -- now a means of redemption for a boy about to fall. An undiscovered truth, hidden, waiting to be explored is the grail they seek. As the miles blow by, story after story is told -- gold for Ben's project. New stories are added at a roadside junkyard, desert brothel, and bejeweled casinos. Good stuff, beginning stuff, but nothing unearthed -- the mother load remains deeply buried. Just when Ben begins to be hopeful that new ground will continue to be broken the whole thing blows up. Grandpa disappears. Back to square one.