Tall Tales with Short Cocks
In the fifth installment of Rooster Republic's flagship anthology series, we have some really tremendous fiction. It's great. You can't beat fiction like this. A lot of kids come up to me and they tell me how great they think this fiction is. I believe them. Believe me, it's a great collection with some fantastic authors giving us their best work. I believe me. Why don't you? You too good for all this fun, freaky, and far-out fiction? Maybe go read a book about bird watching, you voyeuristic pervert. This anthology is for connoisseurs who are sick of watching birds. They want to look at words-not at our fine feathered friends. Though, if I'm being honest, I've never met a bird I would call my friend. Sure, those doves helped me move. BUT I GAVE THEM BIRDSEED. Real friends don't demand food from you. They just help you move, wish you luck, and then leave forever until you need them again. The stories in this anthology will be great friends. You can read them, put them back on the shelf, and pull them out whenever you feel like it. Or if you don't feel like it, they aren't going to call you up and be all like, "Hey, wanna get something to eat at that new taco cart I saw on the corner of Johnson and Johnson?" That would be the end of American fiction, I can tell you. Not that all the authors in this collection are Americans. Some are UKish, and some, I assume, are also good people. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Chickens Are Birds. Rooster Republic 2016!!!!!