Empowering Alpha Generation with Digital Literacy Skills for Facing Industrial Revolution 5.0 in New Normal Era
The conference is a place for students, teachers, lecturers, and researchers to discuss the research of English language literature for empowering alpha generation with digital literacy skills for facing industrial revolution 5.0 in new normal era. This antology called “Empowering Alpha Generation with Digital Literacy Skills for Facing Industrial Revolution 5.0 in New Normal Era." This book is about Directive Speech Act and Translation Technique in Mowgli’s Brother Story, Reading Theory: A Systematic Literature Review, Translation Accuracy of Online Dictionary Kamusku and U-dictionary in Translating Narrative Text, Analysis Meaning Variation of Translation in Grab Application, Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Asynchronous Lectures and SynchronousLectures on English Language Teaching: A Case Study, Desktop Analysis of Speaking Skills with Hello English Application for Alpha Generation, Students’ Perception Toward Teacher’s Feedback to Increase Students’ Achievement in Critical Reading and Writing Class, Video Project Based Learning to Improve Student’s Confidence in Speaking Skill: Student’s Perspective, Students’ Perspective Towards Quizizz as a Platform to do Online Quizzes, The Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Model as A Distance Learning Model on EFL Classroom, The Morphological Process on English Adjectives Class, The Effectiveness of WordUp Application on Students’ Writing. Hopefully this antology book can give the advantages for the readers.