To Lose Weight Is To Believe In It!
Why do we pay for gym memberships and then don't go? Why do we comfort ourselves with a pint of ice cream, knowing we'll regret it the next day? How can we harness the power of our mind to lose weight, stay healthy, and feel better about our inner self? BELIEVING IS THE ANSWER! In "Believe In It." you'll learn how to change your lifestyle and bolster your mindset to finally start losing weight. You'll see that it's possible to lose weight, stay healthy, enjoy delicious meals, and feel good about your inner self. Diets are a temporary fix, but not a real solution. People who are successful at losing weight are those who have the power of the mind. In This Book you'll learn how to: - Change your lifestyle to lose weight, stay healthy, and feel good about yourself; - Stop being your own worst enemy when it comes to losing weight; - Manage your stress and prevent it from aggravating your health; - And much much more!