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White Clays of Pennsylvania
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Bentonite and Fuller's Earth Resources of the United States
A compilation of the uses, geology, mineralogy, and distribution of bentonite and fuller's earth in the United States.
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Clay Deposits of Spokane County, Washington
A geological, mineralogical, and chemical study.
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Underclay Deposits of Somerset and Eastern Fayette Counties, Pennsylvania
A geological, mineralogical, and chemical study of underclay beds in the Allegheny Formation of southwestern Pennsylvania.
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Investigations of Some Clay Deposits in Washington and Idaho
Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Mines.
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Ball Clay and Bentonite Deposits of the Central and Western Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain, United States
Geology and geologic setting of ball clay and bentonite deposits.
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World Nonbauxite Aluminum Resources Excluding Alunite
A compilation of published information on the geology and worldwide distribution of nonbauxite resources that are potential sources of aluminium and on methods for extracting alumina from them.
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Chemistry and Mineralogy of Natural Bitumens and Heavy Oils and Their Reservoir Rocks from the United States, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela
See journals under US Geological survey. Circular 1047.
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Geology of the Murray Area, Shoshone County, Idaho
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The Mineral Industry of Pennsylvania in 1967
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