Diseases of the Small Intestine in Childhood
Diseases of the Small Intestine in Childhood, Third Edition, reviews diseases of the small intestine in children with emphasis upon a discussion of their causes, clinical manifestations, and the newer techniques used in diagnosis as well as modern methods of management. The book begins with a discussion of the development of pediatric gastroenterology and the function and physiology of the small intestine. This is followed by separate chapters on the importance of history taking and physical examination of children with small intestinal disease; and techniques to investigate the small intestine. Subsequent chapters are devoted to specific diseases such as celiac disease, food protein intolerance, acute gastroenteritis, defective digestion and absorption of sugars, parasitic infestation, Crohn's disease and abdominal tuberculosis, and chronic diarrhea. This book will be of value to the consultant pediatrician and pediatric surgeon as well as to the pediatric registrar and house officer as a practical guide to their understanding of these diseases. It is also intended for those adult physicians, gastroenterologists, and surgeons who wish to survey the clinical spectrum of disease of the small intestine in childhood.