Jack as he is know to his friends, is a retired military officer and a decorated combat veteran. He’s had tours in the 82nd Airborne, 509th Airborne, 8th Division, 4th Division, 51st RCAT in Vietnam, and as an instructor at West Point. Following his military career he spent time as an executive in corporate America then going on to established and run several small businesses in the United States and Europe. Jack has had the good fortune to work with some of the world’s most elite military and law enforcement units and was the creator and executive director of The US National SWAT Championships and The World SWAT Challenge. He has also been instrumental in developing several other competitive and high speed training properties for the police, fire and military along with producing, writing and doing on-camera work for TV. Jack holds a Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology from Arizona State University and is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine. An avid sportsman, Jack has run over 10 marathons and triathlons, made more than 100 parachute jumps, 500 scuba dives, bicycled across the United States, climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and skied all over North America and Europe. His business and travels have taken him to over 45 countries, the severn continents, and all 50 states. He’s had an adventurous and wonderful life. Jack lives with his wife Ellen and the cattle dog Maizy in Mesa, Arizona. Tittsworth is his fourth book.