The Dog Vinci Code
If you have ever wanted to know what makes your dog tick, why he acts the way he does, how to change the way he behaves or how to communicate and train him to a standard that you might have not dreamed possible then The Dog Vinci Code will get you back on track. The essential manual for any dog owner, John Rogerson outlines, step by step, training techniques so simple that even your dog can understand what you are trying to teach him. This book is about how to communicate with your dog on an emotional level, which will in turn give him the ability to understand everyone in your family. By understanding 'the code', you will gain more control over your dog and thereby be able to offer him more freedom and less frustration than ever before, making for a more contented family companion. This is the perfect guide for anyone who wants the best possible relationship with their dog, packed with easy-to-follow training tips, informative case studies and told with wit, humour and care.