The BCCI Affair: A Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations
"The Bank of Credit and Commerce International remains today, 30 years after its founding, a byword for corruption, influence peddling, bribery, crony capitalism, phony audits, money laundering, and worse. It managed to stave off crises with "too big to fail" arguments and friends in high places. Here, in full documentary splendor, we see the genesis of the term "bankster" and the stunning failure of the same roster of government agencies caught napping before the panic of 2008. This December 1992 document is the final draft of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee report. It was released by Congress but co-author Sen. Hank Brown, reportedly acting at the behest of Henry Kissinger, pressed for the deletion of a few passages, particularly re: Kissinger Associates. As a result, the final hardcopy version of the report, as published originally by the Government Printing Office, is less complete than the version you now hold in your hands. Long out of print and available only electronically, this report is here presented in a new edition designed for readability and easy reference." -- Page [4] of cover.