On Earth, 99% of species are extinct. Extinctus is a world where all vanished species live and die as they did when they inhabited Earth. The battle for survival occurs daily, as it did for millennium, in these hostile and violent epochs. Journey back in time to a world, one filled with fierce predators and harsh climates. Can modern humans survive in these inimical yet magnificent worlds? In Extinctus, the reader travels to three different time periods in the evolution of planet Earth. It takes the reader to the Paleocene Epoch (65-55 million years ago), the Miocene Epoch (23-5 million years ago) and the Pleistocene Epoch (2 million years ago-10,000 years ago). Based off the fossil record, each Epoch in Extinctus is a snapshot in time, a snapshot that reconstructs the emergence of the mammals, the insects, the climate, and the environmental changes over millions of years. How would modern humans fit into these violent worlds? During these expansive periods in geological time, Earth was full of monstrous predatory creatures. For millions of years, the planet stayed an extremely dangerous place for early humans. Extinctus brings to life the evolutionary plight of the mammals as they re-populate the Earth after the disappearance of the dinosaurs. Six humans must survive continual predation by an endless array of creatures as they try to survive in their new surroundings. Extinctus recounts the story of the youngest of three generations of humans to enter Extinctus. Can the youngest member of the family help save the human species? Or will Homo sapiens disappear from the record? With the help of magnificent creatures, with mysterious capabilities, known as Light Extinctos, can the humans thwart the sinister plan of Thylac, the Dark Extincto, who with the help of his delusional army seeks to destroy humanity?