Behavior and Sequential Analyses
"Sharpe and Koperwas provide a methodological framework that objectifies the complexity of behavior. This book′s quantitative and multiple-event approach to data collection and analysis is essential for effective descriptions and explanations of the behavior of humans and nonhumans. Of particular note is the multidisciplinary applicability of the methodology and that the methods can be used by basic, applied, and clinical researchers. Human service providers are being increasingly pressured to take objective measures; practitioners should find much in this book to help them satisfactorily meet these demands. The authors′ sensitivity to clarity of presentation makes the book an excellent primary or supplementary text for any course in behavior methodology." -- Dennis J. Delprato, Eastern Michigan University "I think the author did a very thoughtful, informed analysis and presentation of his view of research methodology." -Richard W. Malott, Western Michigan University "This text dispels the myth that the principles and practices of behavioral research are context-free. It describes how they are integral to a modern science of behavior. This is not only a "how to" text, but an historical "where from" and a modern "what for" treatment of behavioral methodology and research design." -Edward K. Morris, University of Kansas Modern computer-based data collection and analysis techniques have given researchers unprecedented ability to collect, analyze, and visually represent complex, multi-event configurations of behavior interaction, yet most applied behavior analysis textbooks have failed to embrace the many significant technological advances. Behavior and Sequential Analyses: Principles and Practice provides a step-by-step approach to such computer-facilitated behavior analysis research and evaluation procedures. Tom Sharpe and John Koperwas emphasize methods designed to collect and analyze both the multiple characteristics of behaviors and events of interest and the time-based or sequential characteristics of behavior and event relationships. Intended for an interdisciplinary audience, this is the only text to guide readers through development and implementation of technologically supported multiple-event, multiple measure, discrete and sequential analysis of behavior. Designed for highly interactive applied settings, this user-friendly volume includes Procedures for observation system construction Data recording methods and research design types Visual and statistical data analysis procedures Recommended research, evaluation, and instructional applications for psychology, education, and other social science settings Suggestions for reliability and treatment fidelity issues References to technological innovations including the BEST and BESTPCC data collection and analysis software package Behavior and Sequential Analyses presents a comprehensive summary of applied behavior analysis methods and introduces numerous up-to-date systems and sequential methodologies. To facilitate student learning, the authors include lists of key terms, study guide questions, practical illustrations, and important references. Developed as an introductory to intermediate level methodology text for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in social and behavioral sciences and education, Behavior and Sequential Analyses is also a unique and indispensable reference for the experienced researcher.