Antique Showtime
It's the year 2520, a time of great importance, as the world's population anticipates the return of Halley's Comet. Beginning at the Park Avenue Amory Antiques show in New York City, and ending at the Hamptons Summer Classic on Long Island, Antique Showtime traces the antics and adventures of a group of antique dealers navigating their way through an increasingly uncertain world. John Meyer, a 25 year veteran of the antique business, offers an incredibly insightful, yet humorous, account of the trade. On top of that, he weaves in a murder mystery, a love story and philosophical Taoist musings. Despite the futuristic setting, Meyer shows that human nature remains the same throughout the ages. Anyone who has ever visited an antique show, or better yet worked at one, will revel in the novel's hilariously eccentric characters and situations, For those who haven't, let John Meyer be your insider guide to the weird and wild world of the antique-show business.