The Spirit-Filled Life
"There is another evangelist of this name, but with a different spelling, and the degree of M. A., who is fully as well known amongst us as is this Australian evangelist, who has nevertheless been much blessed in his work. This book would not have been written by the other Rev. John McNeill - perhaps could not. For it emphasizes, and indeed is wholly occupied with, a subject which he rarely handles apart. It is the blessing of the Spirit as a separate additional gift, a gift given after and apart from the new birth, a gift that may be given to a believer and may not, but which will not be denied to any believer in Christ who asks it in faith: a gift, moreover, which, when given, fits the believer for God's work as he cannot be fitted without it. In short, this book is the clearest and best statement you are likely to find of the one essential 'blessing' men and women go to Keswick for, and having found it, call their friends and neighbors together when they return home to rejoice with them. It may be found away from Keswick no doubt. Plain it may be found in the Antipodes. The book contains many things that are worth knowing, and they are mostly very well expressed." -The Expository Times "I wish to urge all, especially ministers of the gospel, to give it a prayerful reading. I feel confident it will bring them help and blessing. It will deepen the conviction of the great need and absolute duty of being filled with the Spirit. It will point out the hindrances and open up the way. It will stir up faith and hope. And it will, I trust, bring many a one to feel that it is at the footstool of the throne, in the absolute surrender of a new consecration, that the blessing is to be received from God Himself." -Andrew Murray "He writes in a clear, trenchant style; and whether you agree with him or not, you always know just what he means. The fullness of the Spirit, he tells us, is not so much the believer's privilege as his birthright. For want of it the Christian experience of many is faint and cold. To be filled with the Spirit is a command to be obeyed, to disregard which is a sin. It is a 'definite blessing,' and distinct from the new birth. All Christians need it, and all may have it. It prevents from backsliding, and equips for service. A few receive it at conversion, but the most at a subsequent period. A man may be Christian, a saved man, without it, but will have a poor time, and render poor service. Unlike the most of writers upon this subject, Mr. MacNeil puts cleansing before consecration, and both before the 'filling' of the Spirit. The most of the higher life writers make cleansing the result of the baptism of the Holy Ghost; Mr. MacNeil teaches that Christians can be saved and kept from 'sins,' but not from 'sin.'" -Christian Work