Strategic Corporate Tax Planning
A corporate guide to understanding the basic tax implications ofeveryday business Organized to cover the tax implications of transactions as theyoccur through a company's life cycle, the basic principles of taxmanagement are applied through the use of case studies thatsimulate a variety of real-world marketplace conditions.Value-added and financial reporting effects of tax management arediscussed, as well as country-specific tax rules, and cross-bordertransactions. John E. Karayan, JD, PhD (Glendale, CA), is a professor atCalifornia State Polytechnic University, Pomona. He is also apartner in the law firm of Bond Karayan. Charles W. Swenson, PhD (Pasadena, CA), is a professor atthe University of Southern California, Los Angeles, where heteaches a number of courses in accounting and taxation. Over the years, financial professionals around the world havelooked to the Wiley Finance series and its wide array ofbestselling books for the knowledge, insights, and techniques thatare essential to success in financial markets. As the pace ofchange in financial markets and instruments quickens, Wiley Financecontinues to respond. With critically acclaimed books by leadingthinkers on value investing, risk management, asset allocation, andmany other critical subjects, the Wiley Finance series provides thefinancial community with information they want. Written to provideprofessionals and individuals with the most current thinking fromthe best minds in the industry, it is no wonder that the WileyFinance series is the first and last stop for financialprofessionals looking to increase their financial expertise.