An Introduction to Ugaritic
Highly respected linguist John Huehnergard brings his command of and vast knowledge in the field of comparative Semitic linguistics to this introductory grammar. Every aspect of the grammar is enriched by his broad understanding, while maintaining an unexcelled directness and order to the learning of the fundamental grammar of Ugaritic. Designed for students already familiar with Biblical Hebrew, this grammar contains the information necessary to help them become proficient in Ugaritic, and includes exercises to assist in learning basic grammar before commencing work with the actual Ugaritic texts. It is set apart from other gram¬mar books by its immense understanding of comparative Semitic grammar, and the concise and accurate manner in which Huehnergard presents the information. Special Features: - A glossary of all Ugaritic words used in the grammar - An appendix by Ugaritologist John Ellison on the scribal formation of the Ugaritic abecedaries - A number of full-color photographs of Ugaritic tablets - Keys to the exercises - Bibliographic information and indexes