Why Doctors Are Killing You
John Hildreth Atkins is a certified genius with more than sixty books to his credit. When this man speaks, people listen. Among his many accomplishments, he has expounded on domestic violence, quantum physics, and exposed organized crime in several books, including Prosecuting the Prosecution (which was instrumental in getting an innocent man out of prison) and A Jew Hides Well (an expose that shows who actually killed JFK and why. In this latter book, he used forensics to prove Oswald was totally innocent. In addition, Oswald had vertigo so bad he could not even look down...let alone shoot at anything. No shots were fired from the Texas School Book depository building; they were fired from he fourth floor of the Dal-Tex building across the street. In this book, he does a remarkable job of exposing the corruption that has everyone trembling like newborn babies. At a thousand dollars a shot, of course they want you to get several. Mo' money. But covid is not killing people; underlying conditions are. After reading this, you will never look at the government, or doctors, the same way again. At fifteen, his I.Q. was rated in excess of 187. Having read this book, I can see why. The man is amazing. If there is a quirk to this publication, it is his self-professed antisemitism. In his words: "God has no need for a chosen anything," and it is time for people to stop accepting that as an excuse. If your doctor has prescribed more than five pills, you might want to read this book. Covid deaths? If you were getting paid thirty thousand dollars to say a patient died of covid, wouldn't you say it? Why not? Finally, John explains how the Earth was formed, global warming, and the impending doom hanging over mankind. If you bought the book for no other reason, this one thing is well worth any price. Unbelievable? But true. What are you waiting for?