Jack's Story
John Wilson was born in Seattle, Washington. As many, he entered the Army during the Vietnam War . Once he was honorable discharged he went to college and earned his bachelor degree and went on to work in the hi-tech business in sales for many years. Later John worked starting several hig tech companies over a ten year span. John, and his wife Janice, now loves traveling around the world, playing golf and living at the “cradle of golf” in Pinhurst, North Carolina. When one of the last homes in the family was sold a box of letters were found that had been written by his father while serving in the European front in World War II. Years earlier John had asked his father about his time during the war and received a letter with his father's recollections. Now with the letters and historical documents, including after action reports, John had to write his story and was able to recreate his fathers steps during the war. As Steven Smith, Author of 2nd Armored Division: Hell on Wheels. said in his review “...“Jack’s Story” emerges as a fascinating memoir – and exciting – account of close-quarter armored combat in some of America’s greatest battles”.