The High School: Today and Tomorrow
At present, this is the most comprehensive and most thoroughly up-to-date of the many textbooks recently published for use in basic courses often called "Principles of Secondary Education." As stated in the preface, a major objective of the volume is "to enable students of the high school to understand its role in American life, its program, the tasks and opportunities of its personnel, and its possible future directions." the book should by no means be reserved exclusively for college students. Teachers and administrators with experience in secondary school work will find the book a convenient way to catch up with recent developments at this level of American education, including significant changes in enrollments, objectives, content, and methodology in English, the foreign languages, the social studies, music, art, physical education, industrial education, and science and mathematics. If the reader is not certain as to what is implied by such terms as systems planning, synergetic-type teaching, storefront academies, educational parks, educational complexes, computer-assisted instruction, taxonomies of instructional objectives, self-directed freeform education, or schools for transcendence, etc., this volume will help bring them abreast of the times.