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Raising Entrepreneurial Capital
Raising Entrepreneurial Capital
Raising Entrepreneurial Capital guides the reader through the stages of successfully financing a business. The book proceeds from a basic level of business knowledge, assuming that the reader understands simple financial statements, has selected a specific business, and knows how to write a business plan. It provides a broad summary of the subjects that people typically research, such as "How should your company position itself to attract private equity investment?" and "What steps can you take to improve your company's marketability?" Much has changed since the book was first published, and this second edition places effects of the global recession in the context of entrepreneurship, including the debt vs. equity decision, the options available to smaller businesses, and the considerations that lead to rapid growth, including venture capital, IPOs, angels, and incubators. Unlike other books of the genre, Raising Entrepreneurial Capital includes several chapters on worldwide variations in forms and availability of pre-seed capital, incubators, and the business plans they create, with case studies from Europe, Latin America, and the Pacific Rim. - Combines solid theory with a practitioner's experience and insights - Case studies illustrate theory throughout the book - Updated to reflect the realities of the global economic recession
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U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin
U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin
A history of four advances of late Wisconsinan glacial ice and of the proglacial lakes ponded south of the ice fronts during the last two advances.
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Results of Direct-method Determination of the Gas Content of U.S. Coalbeds
Results of Direct-method Determination of the Gas Content of U.S. Coalbeds
In 1972, the Bureau of Mines developed a direct-method test for measuring the gas content of virgin coal core samples for coal mine health and safety considerations. Since that time, approximately 1,500 coal samples from more than 250 coalbeds in 17 States have been collected for gas content determination. The gas content data, when combined with geologic and engineering studies, can be used as a basis for a preliminary estimate of mine ventilation requirements, and to determine if methane drainage in advance of mining should be considered. The data are also critical in delineating coalbed methane resources and in utilization feasibility studies. This report makes the Bureau's extensive data base of gas content data more readily available to the coal and gas industries. The data are presented in tabular form, alphabetically by coalbed name and by State. The components of the total gas content (lost, desorbed, and residual gas) are given, Location (State and county), sample depth, coalbed or formation name, and coal rank are included for geographic and geologic identification.
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The QFD Handbook
The QFD Handbook
Das Konzept des Quality Function Deployment (QFD) setzt mit Hilfe einer Reihe von Matrizen Kundenwünsche in Konstruktions- oder Designerfordernisse um. Die Konstruktions- und Designerfordernisse wiederum werden umgesetzt in Produkt- bzw. Teilprodukteigenschaften, die ihrerseits wieder auf Produktionsprozesse und anschließend auf spezielle Prozeß- und Steuerungsmechanismen übertragen werden. Dieses Buch wendet das QFD Konzept auf eine Reihe von unternehmerischen Schlüsselthemen an, die bislang unbehandelt geblieben sind, wie z. B. ISO9000, Service Design, Robust Design und Software Design. Das Buch wird mit Begleitdiskette geliefert, die mit der entsprechenden QFD Software ausgestattet ist. (11/97)
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