Student Power, Participation and Revolution
These are 33 documents of a decade of dissent--college and high school writings that mirror disenchantment, discontent, despair and hope--writings that moved students and their allies to further analysis and action. They illustrate, as the editors note, "student concerns ranging from the search for personal identity and self-fulfillment to the need for revolutionary change in America. "We believe it is right to see the student rebellion more as affirmation than condemnation, more as a faith in the perfectability of man than a denial of this possibility." Familiar names appear in these pages: Tom Hayden, Cathy Wilkerson, Mark Rudd, Les Coleman, Bernardine Dohrn, Karen Wald, and more. Even more familiar are the issues dealt with: war, peace and the draft; educational relevance; black student demands; student-worker alliance; women's liberation; violent vs. nonviolent action; reform vs. revolution; political action, effective or ineffective. Major statements range from the catalytic and prophetic Port Huron Statement of 1962 to the 1968-70 documents reproduced here.--From jacket description.