In this issue of the Free Grace Broadcaster on adoption, Robert Alexander Webb introduces us to the importance of this vital doctrine, giving us three reasons why it is so important. Charles Spurgeon declares that God’s act of predestinating sinners to the adoption of children is an act of pure grace. What are the causes of adoption? John Gill answers by demonstrating the gracious work of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost as the cause of that miracle of grace. John Murray describes the Fatherhood of God biblically, distinguishing it from the false notion that all people are the children of God. He also explains that adoption is neither justification nor regeneration, while being intimately connected to both. Abraham Booth tells us that God’s grace reigns in adoption and offers clear biblical ways that believers are united to God and made part of His heavenly family. What is the nature of adoption? And what are its benefits? Do you know? David Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains both with biblical clarity and the force of truth. Scottish theologian and minister John Dick sharply contrasts the satanic family of which believers were once a part with the glory and splendor of being in God’s righteous family. How does one know if he or she is indeed a child of God? Octavius Winslow beautifully explains the witness of God’s Spirit in our souls that we know that we are the children of God. Then, with clarity and moving imagery, John Eadie makes a valiant attempt to tell us what it means when the apostle John says, “We shall be like him”—like Christ Jesus! And finally, Thomas Reade helps us to consider the sacred evidence of sonship. He, like Winslow, wants to help us answer the question, “Am I a child of God?” No regenerate soul can read these thoughts without being moved and without desiring to finish his course to the glory of Christ Who saved us. Articles: The Importance of Adoption - Robert Alexander Webb (1856-1919) - God’s adoption of sinners as His children is a glorious and beautiful biblical truth; but God’s people have not always recognized its importance, nor have they considered it as deeply and thoroughly as justification and regeneration. An Act of Pure Grace - Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-1892) - an overview of adoption that begins in God’s eternal purpose before the creation of the world and appears in history through God’s mighty work in sinners’ hearts. The Causes of Adoption - John Gill (1697-1771) - The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all vitally involved in the amazing grace of transforming sinners into sons and daughters of the Triune God. The Fatherhood of God - John Murray (1898-1975) - God’s gracious acts of justification and regeneration are distinct from but connected to the grace of God in adopting sinners into His family. Grace Reigns in Adoption - Abraham Booth (1734-1806) - a survey of the sovereign grace of Almighty God as He gloriously transforms slaves of sin into His free children with all the privileges and graces of His divine family. Nate and Benefits of Adoption - David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) - How is the word adoption used in Scripture? And what benefits and assurances does a converted sinner enjoy as a child of the God? Read prayerfully. From Satan's Family to God's - John Dick (1764-1833) - To appreciate the astonishing love of God in adopting sinners into His family, we must understand something about the sinful, satanic family from which He saves us. The Witness of the Spirit - Octavius Winslow (1808-1878) - The Holy Spirit of God bears witnesses in the hearts of believers that they are indeed God’s eternally loved, blood-bought children. Do you have this witness? We Shall Be Like Him - John Eadie (1810-1876) - What does it mean that believers will be like Christ? Here are precious thoughts on which to meditate deeply. Sacred Evidence of Sonship - Thomas Shaw B. Reade (1776-1841) - a precious collection of profound thoughts on discerning whether we are truly the children of God.