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Ambientes de aprendizaje enriquecidos con TIC en educación infantil
Ambientes de aprendizaje enriquecidos con TIC en educación infantil
Esta obra reúne investigaciones de expertos nacionales e internacionales en integración de recursos y tecnologías digitales de vanguardia para enriquecer los espacios de educación infantil, exponiendo las metodologías de uso y los resultados obtenidos en su aplicación. El libro está dirigido a maestros e investigadores que estén interesados en la transformación de sus prácticas pedagógicas, así como en conocer los riesgos, potencialidades y bondades del uso seguro y pertinente de las TIC en diferentes contextos de formación.
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Educación intercultural y las mediaciones tic: un abordaje desde la interdisciplinariedad
Educación intercultural y las mediaciones tic: un abordaje desde la interdisciplinariedad
¿Es la interculturalidad un paradigma o un enfoque para la educación? La pluralidad y diversidad de nuestras sociedades, territorializadas en contextos, suponen un ejercicio ciudadano en el que se preserven ciertas identidades y prácticas culturales, de acuerdo con los derechos humanos. Al mismo tiempo, el progreso sociocultural y la coexistencia en la casa común (la madre tierra, nuestro planeta) nos exige la necesaria innovación sociocultural, desde la construcción colectiva para el bien colectivo. Transitar desde la multiculturalidad hacia la interculturalidad precisa de una voluntad ética y cívica; pero, al mismo tiempo, se adentra en la necesidad pedagógica del aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida que comporta un camino inequívoco de coexistencia pacífica en nuestras sociedades complejas.
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Ends of Assimilation
Ends of Assimilation
Ends of Assimilation examines how Chicano literature imagines the conditions and costs of cultural change, arguing that its thematic preoccupation with assimilation illuminates the function of literature. John Alba Cutler shows how mid-century sociologists advanced a model of assimilation that ignored the interlinking of race, gender, and sexuality and characterized American culture as homogeneous, stable, and exceptional. He demonstrates how Chicano literary works from the postwar period to the present understand culture as dynamic and self-consciously promote literature as a medium for influencing the direction of cultural change. With original analyses of works by canonical and noncanonical writers--from Am rico Paredes, Sandra Cisneros, and Jimmy Santiago Baca to Estela Portillo Trambley, Alfredo V a, and Patricia Santana--Ends of Assimilation demands that we reevaluate assimilation, literature, and the very language we use to talk about culture.
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Eastside Landmark
Eastside Landmark
This is a history of the East Los Angeles Community Union, established to improve conditions in the barrio of East Los Angeles. It shows how it has had a pronounced impact on the area, providing social services, helping increase political representation, and, most notably, promoting economic development, particularly through extensive real estate dealings.
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The History of Yucatan
The History of Yucatan
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Coffee Agroecology
Coffee Agroecology
Based on principles of the conservation and optimization of biodiversity and of equity and sustainability, this book focuses on the ecology of the coffee agroecosystem as a model for a sustainable agricultural ecosystem. It draws on the authors' own research conducted over the last twenty years as well as incorporating the vast literature that has been generated on coffee agroecosystems from around the world. The book uses an integrated approach that weaves together various lines of research to understand the ecology of a very diverse tropical agroforestry system. Key concepts explored include biodiversity patterns, metapopulation dynamics and ecological networks. These are all set in a socioeconomic and political framework which relates them to the realities of farmers' livelihoods. The authors provide a novel synthesis that will generate new understanding and can be applied to other examples of sustainable agriculture and food production. This synthesis also explains the ecosystem services provided by the approach, including the economic, fair trade and political aspects surrounding this all-important global commodity.
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The Lost Land
The Lost Land
A perilous voyage to the magic land of Occo, inhabited by hospitable farmers, marauding cannibals and mysterious fey people, transforms a youngboy into a man.
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Maya Saints and Souls in a Changing World
Maya Saints and Souls in a Changing World
The Maya of Santiago Chimaltenango have experienced increasingly rapid, even violent, integration into Guatemalan society in the last fifty years, yet they still distinguish themselves ethnically from Spanish-speaking Guatemalans and other Maya. Why this sense of ethnic identity persists—and also changes—over time is the focus of Maya Saints and Souls in a Changing World, a beautifully written ethnography of a Mam-speaking Maya town in the western highlands of Guatemala. John Watanabe uniquely explores how Chimaltecos themselves define their local distinctiveness. This approach uncovers significant continuities in lifeways and world view that might otherwise remain imperceptible to an outsider. Another important feature of the study is that it updates Charles Wagley's pioneering research in the community during the 1930s. Watanabe identifies both the external, historical factors that have prompted change in the community since Wagley's time and the people's responses to these changes.
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