A Practical Guide to SEC Proxy and Compensation Rules
A Practical Guide to SEC Proxy and Compensation Rules, Fifth Edition is designed to meet the special needs of corporate officers and other professionals who must understand and master the latest changes in compensation disclosure and related party disclosure rules, including requirements and initial SEC implementing rules under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Current, comprehensive and reliable, the Guide prepares you to handle both common issues and unexpected situations. Contributions from the country's leading compensation and proxy experts analyze: Executive compensation tables Compensation disclosure and analysis Other proxy disclosure requirements E-proxy rules Executive compensation under IRC Section 162(m) And much more! Organized for quick, easy access to all the issues and areas youand’re likely to encounter in your daily work, A Practical Guide to SEC Proxy and Compensation Rules Dissects each compensation table individuallyand—the summary compensation table, the option and SAR tables, the long-term incentive plan tableand—and alerts you to the perils and pitfalls of each one Walks you through preparation of the Compensation Disclosure and Analysis Explains the latest interpretations under the SEC's shareholder proposal rule and institutional investor initiatives and what they mean for the coming proxy season Helps you tackle planning concerns that have arisen in the executive compensation context, including strategies for handling shareholder proposals regarding executive compensation and obtaining shareholder approval of stock option plans The Fifth Edition reflects the latest SEC and IRS regulations, guidance, interpretations and disclosure practices. It adds a new chapter focused on developments and practices relating to required public company and“say-on-payand” advisory votes pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Act. Another new chapter addresses director qualifications and Board leadership, diversity, and risk oversight disclosures. This one-volume guide will help you prepare required disclosures as well as make long-range plans that comply fully with regulations and positions taken by the SEC more quickly and completely than ever before. In addition, weand’ve updated the Appendices to bring you the latest rules and relevant primary source material.