Principles of Economics
PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMCIS, 7th EDITION, includes updated information on topics such as: inequality, housing markets, the deflator and the CPI, the PCE deflator as a third measure of prices, economic growth, and International Finance. This clearly written text offers concise yet thorough coverage of current economic theories. John Taylor, former Undersecretary of the Treasury for International Affairs, offers his expertise on today's issues in a way that is relevant to students who have no prior exposure to the subject. Refreshing examples, engaging applications, and proven end-of-chapter problems simplify advanced topics and make them accessible to your students. This edition addresses the global financial challenges currently being faced, and recovery from these economic challenges. Updated graphs, figures, and popular learning features present the latest issues and data, including coverage of the Obama Administration. In addition, Aplia, the leading online homework solution, is available as part of a complete supplement package. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.