The Emergence of Ecosocialism
The first book published post-humously by author, activist and scholar, Joel Kovel, who passed away on April 30, 2018. In 2001, Kovel co-authored "An Ecosocialist Manifesto, " launching a global movement with ancient roots and prophetic horizons. Since that time, dozens of books and hundreds of articles have been published on the subject as global warming, climate change, pollution, and ecological balance becomes one of the major concerns around the world today. As a result of this growing awareness, ecosocialist movements and organizations have emerged on every populated continent. Here for the first time, editor Quincy Saul has compiled a definitive collection of Kovel's essays on ecosocialism, chronicling the emergence of its theory and practice,which informs and educates. From the original manifestos and declarations, to essays and undelivered speeches, to classics from Capitalism Nature Socialism, the Journal of Ecosocialism, which Kovel edited, The Emergence of Ecosocialism offers a 360-degree orientation guide of an ecosocialist praxis written by one of its founding fathers.