Babylon 5 - The Scripts of J. Michael Straczynski TV Movies (Vol 16 of 16)
Table of Contents and Index available FREE at* Thirdspace* The River of Souls* The Legend of the Rangers* The Lost TalesFEATURING* Q&A with J. Michael Straczynski about each of the TV Movies.* The included version of The Legend of the Rangers is an early draft that is 20 pages longer than the script that was filmed with scenes and exchanges of dialogue that never made it to the screen.* A 3-page fragment of an outline detailing the premise for a Psi Corps feature film. Focusing on The Telepath War, and appropriately titled "Wars of the Mind," JMS's notes reveal the background of the conflict, the identity of the Interstellar Alliance's Vice President and the explosive deaths of two B5 regulars.* The lost tale from The Lost Tales. Did you know that there were originally three lost tales, not two? The middle, unproduced segment featured Michael Garibaldi making a startling discovery on Mars. Only a handful of people involved in the production have ever read this script, but now you can enjoy this "lost" installment.* The original short story on which The Lost Tales segment "Over Here" was based. It's called "The Darkness Between the Stars" and was originally published in the now out-of-print seventh issue of The Book of Dark Wisdom (Fall 2005), and features a different ending than the one that concludes the B5 version.* 36 of J. Michael Straczynski's personal, behind-the-scenes photos taken on the set of The Lost Tales and The Legend of the Rangers, including the last pictures taken of Andreas Katsulas as G'Kar.* Because there are many differences between the scripts and what you see on the DVDs, we've included the "Joe Cuts" Script/DVD Variations inventory, which catalogs all the changes, deletions, and additions that were made as the stories traveled from script to screen. It's all in this handy, easy-to-reference grid, just like the ones in JMS' Volume 15 and the Other Voices series.Retired Date: April 30, 2009Discover why Babylon 5 will never be available on Blu-ray at