Take Morgue to the Morgue: Enter the Sinister World of a New Age Cult
Freak, monster, Satanist, sicko, weirdo, idiot, Luciferian, demon, defiler, devil, necromancer, coward, creep, cult leader, pathological narcissist, psychopath, predator, pretentious poser, toxic malignancy ... rinse, repeat. The insults for shock artist Morgue come thick and fast. They seek him here, they seek him there, those critics, detractors and knockers seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven? Is he in hell? Is he a fraud? Has he gone rogue? That damned, elusive fiend who belongs in a prison cell. The denigrators are never short of abuse and vitriol for the man they love to hate. Who is Morgue? Why do so many people loathe him so much? Morgue is no ordinary shock artist. He has now graduated to sinister cult leader, grifting from the weak-minded and vulnerable. To his haters, he's shocking in every way, a shocking human being, a disgrace, an abomination … an actual monster. Morgue will shock you to the core with his grotesque behavior, shock you out of your complacency with his nauseating conduct, shock you into seeing the reality of a cult that preys on all the suckers it can round up. You will feel the aftershock of his vileness. To his obsessive, manic fans, Morgue is Shock and Awe. To everyone else, it's shocking that this person isn't in jail, and they earnestly hope and expect that he soon will be given that he has been accused of serious crimes. This book is a commentary on these people – these sick, warped individuals who run cults – and the strange world they inhabit and strange people they attract. What makes them this way? Is there any cure? How should they be dealt with? What kind of people are drawn to them? Why are they able to fool so many people? Why don't their victims realize what is going on? It's time to take on the cult godfathers. Come and find out about the sinister world of the cult leader, one of the worst predators of the modern era. If humanity is not careful, these cult leaders will define the future. A future nightmare!