Further Adventures of "Dirty Joe" Callihan
A self-made "Crazy Irishman" who was and is fearless on bringing bad guys to justice. Author Joe Callihan is a man who's placed a high value on his integrity, and when he will, and will not tolerate from jerks (such as thieves). Because this is true, and is a part of Joe's character flaws (possessing a demand for honesty); the kinds of adventures you will read about in this book really were encountered by the author during the course of his experiences in retail sales management, and in his personal life. The Adventures of "Dirty Joe" Callihan, along with Further Adventures, just as Adventures in Navyland, speak volumes of a well lived life. It is the author's hope, these adventures will not only excite, but also will stimulate within each reader, a sense of right and wrong; with the emphasis on what a joy it is doing what is right - fearlessly.