High-Lift Aerodynamics
This book presents a detailed look at high-lift aerodynamics, which deals with the aerodynamic behavior of lift augmentation means from various approaches. After an introductory chapter, the book discusses the physical limits of lift generation, giving the lift generation potential. It then explains what is needed for an aircraft to fly safely by analyzing the high-lift-related requirements for certifying an aircraft. Aircraft needs are also analyzed to improve performance during takeoff, approach, and landing. The book discusses in detail the applied means to increase the lift coefficient by either passive and active high-lift systems. It includes slotless and slotted high-lift flaps, active and passive vortex generating devices, boundary and circulation control, and powered lift. Describing methods that are used to evaluate and design high-lift systems in an aerodynamic sense, the book briefly covers numerical as well as experimental simulation methods. It also includes a chapter on the aerodynamic design of high-lift systems. FEATURES Provides an understanding of the physics of flight during takeoff and landing from aerodynamics to flight performance and from simulation to design Discusses the physical limits of lift generation, giving the lift generation potential Concentrates on the specifics of high-lift aerodynamics to provide a first insight Analyzes aircraft needs to improve performance during takeoff, approach, and landing Focuses on civil transport aircraft applications but also includes the associated physics that apply to all aircraft This book is intended for graduate students in aerospace programs studying advanced aerodynamics and aircraft design. It also serves as a professional reference for practicing aerospace and mechanical engineers who are working on aircraft design issues related to takeoff and landing.