Gambling and Bipolar Disorderu2013 A Case Report
Gambling and Bipolar disorderu2013 a case reportS. Nascimento1, I. Caldas1, J. Oliveira2, J. Reis21Psychiatry trainee at Centro Hospitalar Psiquiu00e1trico de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal2Psychiatrist at Centro Hospitalar Psiquiu00e1trico de Lisboa, Lisbon, PortugalBehavioral Addictions Ambulatory Team, CHPLIntroduction:Clinical and epidemiological research suggests that behavioral addictions and related disorders (BARD) have a relationship with bipolar disorder (BD); pathological gambling and kleptomania, in particular, seem to be the most prevalent among BD patients. These comorbid conditions were associated with a more severe course of illness, which is further complicated because treatment strategies for BD-BARD comorbidity are limited by the potential side effects of serotoninergic medication on BD.Objectives/Methods:Clinical report of a patient with BD-BARD, followed by a narrative review. The authors conducted an online search in PubMed and Medscape with the keywords u201cbipolar disorderu201d u201cbehavioral addictionu201d, u201cpathological gamblingu201c, from 2011 to 2018. After a review of the abstract, articles considered to be relevant were included. The aim of this work is to critically summarize the current available evidence regarding a possible association between BARD and BD and respective treatment strategies.Case report:Ms. A., a 61-year-old woman, retired, diagnosed with BD since the age of 24, characterized by mostly depressive episodes with psychotic symptoms, in remission with olanzapine 20mg id, lithium 400 id, valproate acid 1000 id. For the past 6 years, the patient developed a persistent and recurrent problematic gambling behavior (not associated with mood episodes of either polarity). The patient was referred to our outpatient team and a trial of naltrexone, gradually titrated to 50 mg, was initiated; the problematic behavior ceased after 1 month of treatment but cravings persisted. After developing a new depressive episode, the patient was started on bupropiom with further improvement..Conclusions:Impulse control is a dimension affected in both BD and BARD; routine screening and adequate assessment may be helpful in BD patients to identify individuals at risk for BARD and to exclude the association of impulsive behavior with manic or depressive episodes. Care must be taken because antidepressants, frequently used to treat BARD, should be avoided in BD and antipsychotics, sometimes used to treat BD, in particular aripiprazole, may be detrimental in BARD. Although there is not enough research to provide clear guidelines, we review common medication used to treat each disorder and its effects on BD-BARD.