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Direito Imobiliário Atual
Direito Imobiliário Atual
Este livro oferece a análise crítica e reflexiva dos assuntos mais debatidos no aquecido mercado imobiliário brasileiro, tais como aquisição de imóvel por estrangeiro, licenciamento ambiental, direito à habitação, multipropriedade, corretagem, incorporação imobiliária, parcelamento do solo, dentre outros. Os temas são analisados por juristas consagrados e profissionais das grandes empresas do setor, como incorporadoras e loteadoras, além de advogados especialistas em áreas correlatas ao direito imobiliário, como direito ambiental, tributário e societário.
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The Political Economy of East Timor Development
The Political Economy of East Timor Development
Pada tanggal 17 Juli, Timor Timur menjadi provinsi ke 27 Republik Indonesia, karena mayoritas masyarakat di wilayah tersebut menginginkan integrasi dengan Indonesia. Buku ini menjadi bacaan yang sangat menarik bagi mereka yang belum mengenal provinsi termuda di Indonesia ini beserta masyarakat dan budayanya. Secara singkat ia menggambarkan kedatangan penjajah Portugal di Timor Timur dan sekitarnya, diikuti dengan pertukaran wilayah ditambah sejumlah uang antara Portugal dan Belanda yang menjajah Indonesia pada tahun 1851. Berlanjut dengan perjuangan rakyat untuk integrasi dengan Indonesia, disusul oposisi bersenjata dari kelompok kecil warga Timor Leste, Fretilin, yang ingin merdeka. Oleh karena itu, sejumlah negara masih belum mengakui integrasi dengan Indonesia. Namun fakta membuktikan bahwa orang Timor Timur sekarang ini hidup jauh lebih baik dan sejahtera, dibandingkan dengan keadaan ketika Portugis pergi dan sebelum integrasi dengan Republik Indonesia.
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Pembangunan Timor Timur
Pembangunan Timor Timur
Socioeconomic development of Timor Timur.
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These pictures are my tribute to India, a complex and fascinating universe of charms and enchantment.There are some places in the World that stuck to my skin and filled my heart at first contact for no particular motif or reason. India is the strongest, most intense, most violent and most demanding of them all.India is a life lesson, makes us better persons.
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Robot Soccer
The idea of using soccer game for promoting science and technology of artificial intelligence and robotics was presented in the early 90s of the last century. Researchers in many different scientific fields all over the world recognized this idea as an inspiring challenge. Robot soccer research is interdisciplinary, complex, demanding but most of all, fun and motivational. Obtained knowledge and results of research can easily be transferred and applied to numerous applications and projects dealing with relating fields such as robotics, electronics, mechanical engineering, artificial intelligence, etc. As a consequence, we are witnesses of rapid advancement in this field with numerous robot soccer competitions and a vast number of teams and team members. The best illustration is numbers from the RoboCup 2009 world championship held in Graz, Austria which gathered around 2300 participants in over 400 teams from 44 nations. Attendance numbers at various robot soccer events show that interest in robot soccer goes beyond the academic and R
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