Clinical Social Work Practice
The NEW EDITION of this primary text for advanced clinical practice courses at the core of the MSW curriculum teaches students how to integrate theory and practice on multiple levels. Highlights of the New Edition: Chapters 6-12 present clinical illustrations through the lenses of specific theoretical models, beginning with a detailed discussion of a theory and moving to assessment and treatment within that conceptual framework. Dialogue illustrates how theory guides practice. Models of intervention are covered in seven chapters (Chapters 7-13). Each chapter presents a clinical illustration of an individual, family, or group and examines them using a specific theoretical model. Reviewer reactions to "Clinical Social Work Practice: " ""I feel the authors do a fine job in the presentation of the material. The book is interesting, well written, and engaging. The authors succeeded in keeping my attention throughout the text."" Robert H. Keefe, Syracuse University ""The core of the various psychologies and their application to clients is presented quite well."" Carole A. Winston, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Don't Miss This Special Value Pack Option: The Career Center Do your students need help transitioning from being a student to becoming a professional? With "The Career Center," they can register to receive eight 30-minute career counseling sessions--a total of four hours of career consultant time! "The Career Center" is designed to address the wide range of preparation and life stages of individuals who are attempting to develop their careers. Qualified career specialists advise students as they establish, or reestablish, themselves in today's competitive global economy. "The Career Center"--a $25 value--is FREE to your students when you order it packaged with any new Allyn & Bacon Social Work textbook. Visit for more information. "Casebook for Clinical Social Work Practice: An Integrative Approach" (ISBN: 0-205-44200-5) --by Dr. Manny Gonzalez, Fordham University. Available Fall 2004! Contact your local Allyn & Bacon representative and request special packaging codes to take advantage of this great offer.