Living IN A Supernatural Dream The story name is Krystal Duhart and based upon a set of very unique dreams I had in 2020 (when I lived in Atlanta, Ga), I decided to write a book about them. These dreams were so real that at times, it was very difficult to tell when I was dreaming and when I wasn't. But that wasn’t the weirdest part by a long shot. The weirdest part was that I could literally feel things in my dreams as though they were happening in real life. During the day I would be living my ‘regular life' but at night when I fell asleep and began dreaming, it was like I would travel to another world. During that time, I would interact with a couple of handsome young men who called themselves Supernatural hunters. During the course of my dreams, I ended up forming a relationship with one of them and we fell desperately in love. However, because I knew that I was dreaming, I could not in all honesty continue the relationship because I knew it wasn’t real. Nevertheless, as I said before, our relationship didn’t feel like it was a felt like it was real life. What was I to do, throw away the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me because it was just a dream? What would you do, continue hoping things might change or because you know it’s only a dream, permanently end things? The choice, at least for me, wasn’t very easy. Getting back to my dreams, I ended up not only becoming involved with this man (Jason), I ended up becoming involved in the men’s professional work, as well. However, because I couldn’t control when I’d wake up and re-enter my dreams, I had to deal with time loss and that threw a crimp in our relationship. But according to Jason, when I supposedly woke up, apparently, I never left my dream world. When I confronted my lover about this, he was extremely confused and said that’s impossible baby, you’ve been with me the whole time. This completely baffled me, and I literally tried to seek professional help concerning the matter, but they said they couldn’t see me for a full 2 months. I am still unsure of why I had these dreams...I don’t know if God was trying to show me something in them or if I may have eaten too much pizza before bedtime? Lol! Because I often had these dreams on consecutive nights and the characters in them never changed, I felt that maybe God was trying to convey an important message to me. Perhaps you can help me discern the true reason for my dreams. Thank you & God bless.