The author believes that the religious arena has turned into a market place hence anyone can buy God and religious institutions can also canvass for membership to increase their sales. He expresses his dismay at most religions of the world and their levels of hypocrisy, particularly within the Pentecostal Christian community that is fragmenting into untold numbers and has turned into a tool of fraud and deceit; selling God, selling salvation, selling false dreams and false hopes; deploying stage- managed miracles as catch tools' and also as tools of mind slavery. He is not comfortable with suicide bombers within the Islamic community who erroneously claim that such extreme level of ugliness will lead them into heaven'. He says that the ways religious institutions are conducting themselves lately; we no longer know who created who; whether God created Man or Man created him for a purpose. According to the Christian Bible, Christ did say "do unto others as you will have them do unto you; love one another" hence the Author begs to know whether "others and one another" according to Christ mean all races and religious faiths since those golden rules are not being applied by those who told us about Christ. In the name of Capitalism and Materialism, Man has almost turned into a base animal hence making this earth look like a jungle where no rules apply and where conscience and love no more have a place. We live in times when Man create diseases and create their cures. The author believes that since most people especially Africans believe in the Bible information and Bible stories, and the Bible has it that the Pharaohs of Africa did enslave the Israelites in the past, then colonialism and slavery may be human nature and a form of revenge which one must also strive to resist. Colonialism seems to be a form of ugliness just like Apartheid, forceful dominance, slavery and other forms of Man's oppressions and inhumanity against fellow Man which happens from time to time in human history which humanity must also fight to outlive. The author disagrees with the notion that God chooses some people to rule over others, hence he believes that people choose themselves. According to the Christian Bible, Christ did say to his disciples that, greater things shall they do in his name, hence it is time that the so called Christian anointed men of God who are performing miracles only on church stages also walk on water for all to see. Unfortunately, the continent of Africa where it is said that civilization began, has more churches than factories yet the continent has failed to develop.