Caring and Community
This volume is part of a series of 18 monographs on service learning and the academic disciplines. These essays focus on nursing, examining partnerships between education and service, nurse and person, and profession and community. Chapters describe both theoretical and experiential ways in which nursing has begun to incorporate service-learning as a methodology in many diverse settings and with many communities of interest. Following the Introduction by Jane S. Norbeck, Charlene Connolly, and Jo Ellen Koerner, three theoretical essays include: "Humanistic Learning in the Context of Service: The Liberal Arts in Nursing Education" (Jean E. Bartels); "Preparing Nurses for Roles That Will Improve Community Health: Two National Programs Enhance Relationships between Providers and Educators" (Mary Kay Kohles, Maryalice Jordan-Marsh, and Margaret T. McNally); and "Service Education Partnerships Create Community Service-Learning Opportunities in a Rural Region" (Sharon P. Aadalen, Mary Kay Hohenstein, Mary I. Huntley, and Annette J. McBeth). Seven essays on classroom applications follow, including: "Service-Learning as a Pedagogy in Nursing" (Elaine Cohen, Susan Johnson, Lois Nelson, and Connie Peterson); "Case Study of a Service-Learning Project in a Nurse-Managed Clinic for Homeless and Indigent Individuals" (Carol L. Macnee, Deborah H. White, and Jean C. Hemphill); "A Case Study in Service-Learning Using a Collaborative Community-Based Caring Model" (Evelyn C. Atchison and Patricia A. Tumminia); "Community Empowerment through Service-Learning" (Leanne C. Busby, Cathy Taylor, and Linda Norman); "Nursing Clinical Education in an Urban Public School System" (Donna Miles Curry, Kimberley X. Hickok, and Kate Cauley); "The Community as Classroom: Service-Learning in Tillery, North Carolina" (Nina P. Shah and Mary A. Glascoff); and "Service-Learning Lessons from the Chambered Nautilus" (Evelyn D. Quigley, Betty Sayers, and Ruth Hanson). Sets of samples syllabi and assignments are provided for four of the essays. A 65-item annotated bibliography, organized by topic, and a list of practitioners is appended. (All papers contain references.) (SM)