Entertainment Is a God Eyedea
How many times have you wondered why you do what you don't want to do, and don't do what you do want to do? Tired of feeling like you're going in circles? What if you had the one key that could unlock the door to your dreams coming true? What if entertainment is that key? Entertainer or not this book is for you. Entertainment Is A God Eyedea is going to show you once and for all how to get exactly what you want and what is the real power shaping your world. This is the book those negative voices do not want you to read. Buckle up for a heart pounding journey as jo'EL pulls back the curtain on the entertainment mountain and reveals what you need to know about entertainment to excel in this day and age. Finally someone is going to tell you what others won't. Advance praises of Entertainmnet Is A God Eyedea... "Entertainment Is A God Eyedea is a building block towards developing a bridge between the church and the industry that has been neglected and sometimes avoided by the very Fathers and Mothers who lead Christianity today." - Shawn Bolz, Author of Translating God "jo'EL has done us a great service by reigniting our vision of the Arts and the high calling of Artists. You will enjoy this highly readable work. I found myself pulled into his subject in a way I didn't expect. He does something unusual in blending his experience as a Christian and artist with the "Arts Mountain." - Dr. Lance Wallnau, Catalyst behind the 7 Mountain (7m) Message "You will go on journey with jo'EL as he describes the origin and the original intent of Entertainment. Now I understand why! -Eric Warren Apostle of Equippers City Church