Asset Pricing
Real estate finance is a fast-developing area where top quality research is in great demand. In the US, the real estate market is worth about US$4 trillion, and the REITs market about US$200 billion; tens of thousands of real estate professionals are working in this area. The market overseas could be considerably larger, especially in Asia. Given the rapidly growing real estate securities industry, this book fills an important gap in current real estate research and teaching. It is an ideal reference for investment professionals as well as senior MBA and PhD students. Contents: Introduction: Real Estate Analysis in a Dynamic Risk Environment; The Predictability of Returns on Equity REITs and Their Co-Movement with Other Assets; The Predictability of Real Estate Returns and Market Timing; A Time-Varying Risk Analysis of Equity and Real Estate Markets in the US and Japan; Price Reversal, Transaction Costs, and Arbitrage Profits in Real Estate Securities Market; Bank Risk and Real Estate: An Asset Pricing Perspective; Assessing the OC Santa ClausOCO Approach to Asset Allocation: Implications for Commercial Real Estate Investment; The Time-Variation of Risk for Life Insurance Companies; The Return Distributions of Property Shares in Emerging Markets; Conditional Risk Premiums of Asian Real Estate Stocks; Institutional Factors and Real Estate Returns: A Cross-Country Study. Readership: Financial researchers, real estate investors and investment bankers, as well as senior MBA and PhD students."