QLIPHOTH ignites expansion of the Soul and ushers an influx of esoteric forces into the Adept through sorcery, sabbatic craft, and sexual gnosis. The mission of this Qliphoth Series is to provide you Left Hand Path grimoires, poetry, clairvoyant art, and ritual channelling. This sinister opera emerged over numerous group periodicals that emphasize magick ascent, the Abyss, and ancient demonology. Altogether, this series features five high-powered grimoires by 41 top black magicians: Edgar Kerval, Asenath Mason, S. Connolly, Asbjorn Torvol, and many more. The Awakening - p. 7 Flesh Totems & Bone Masks - p. 117 Infernal Essence - p. 207 Draconian Flames - p. 349 The Black Arts - p. 475