COLOR EDITION Wikipedia describes her as an American author who became a Quaker, peace activist and educator. Barbara Leonard Reynolds was best known for her 18 years in Hiroshima befriending and caring for survivors of the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. She escorted two groups of hibakusha (bomb survivors) around the world so they could plead with members of Congress, delegates to the United Nations, teachers, students, churches, and peace groups never to let nuclear war happen to anyone again. For her humanitarian efforts on their behalf and for founding the World Friendship Center in Hiroshima (1965) the mayor of Hiroshima gave her the key to the city and made her an honorary citizen of Hiroshima. Barbara dined with the Prime Minister of Japan and was declared a -National Living Treasure.- Posthumously (2011) a monument was erected to her in Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Park, their Ground Zero. For someone born in Wisconsin who died in Ohio, she covered a lot of ground in her 74 years. She traveled around the world 3 times--once by yacht--and in the same boat (Phoenix of Hiroshima which her husband Earle designed and built) protested American and Soviet atmospheric nuclear testing with her family. She took hibakusha across the USSR on the Trans-Siberian Railway during the Cold War. She spent the last 10 years of her life in California helping Cambodian and Vietnamese refugees. She wrote 7 books--a murder mystery, four children's novels, a book about -leopons, - a cross between a leopard and a lion, and her spiritual autobiography, -The Phoenix and the Dove.- This look at both Barbara's public and private lives was written, with admiration and candor, by her daughter Jessica.