Old Covenant, New Covenant
Who are we, then, to tell God that he cannot suspend or abolish laws that he has enacted previously? Who are we to decide that we can tell God what laws are binding or not binding on us as Christians? Who are we to say that law and grace must go hand-in-hand under the New Covenant and that we cannot commend ourselves to God unless we mix the two? What sort of arrogance is it that says to God, despite clear evidence to the contrary in scripture, 'You cannot possibly have suspended the Old Covenant Law in order to bring in the New Covenant of grace?'So you want to be under the Law? Do you think that the Law of Moses (the Old Covenant) should be binding for Christians today? Do you believe that Christians should be slaves to the legalism fostered largely by Sabbatarians and observe the festivals, new moons, kosher food laws, sabbaths and tithing outlined in Leviticus and Deuteronomy? If you want to discover the truth, readOld Covenant-New Covenant: The Case Against Legalism.Author Jesse Acuff shows that the Old Covenant rules and regulations were only shadows of the good things to come, which pointed to Christ and his redeeming grace. He further demonstrates that Christ abrogated the Old Covenant by his death on the cross and instituted a new and better covenant. Join Jesse as he demonstrates beyond doubt that it makes far more sense to accept the New Covenant teachings originally delivered by Jesus and the Apostles than adhering to the rules and regulations of the Old Covenant, which places one in bondage and does nothing toward attaining salvation. After readingOld Covenant-New Covenant: The Case Against Legalism, you will never again come down on the side of legalism!