Seasons of My Life's Journey
Jerry Setser recognizes that everybody's life is lived in seasons, including his own. As he enters a new season in his life, Setser decides to reflect on his past and recount his journey. This book follows his personal, lifelong pilgrimage towards enlightenment. Jerry vividly describes his humble beginnings growing up and living on farms in his youth, spending many hours a day working hard and learning the intricacies of such labor. His complicated personal and family relationships are developed and fleshed out as he grows older. Jerry constantly gains more insight into life as he encounters individuals that alter the course of his journey. His story takes many twists and turns along his path to finding God and inner peace. For his early years, Jerry was never devoutly religious, but once he finds God, his life was never the same again. From using religion to cope with hardships to spreading the Word of God in the former Soviet Union, Seasons of My Life is a surprising and insightful look at the life of a man who has learned some of life's most important lessons over the years. Setser's story will lead to reevaluate the role of religion in your own life and will stick with you long after you finish it.